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Detailed Course Information


Spring 2023
Feb 19, 2025
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Colored Schedule Types link to scheduled sections of the course for the term at this institution. If all Schedule Types are listed in black text, the course is not scheduled for the term.

LING 490 - Res and Methods in Linguistics - University of Hawaii at Hilo
This course serves as a capstone course in Linguistics, offering student the opportunity to engage in in-depth research on a linguistic topic of their choice. Students first read articles and write reaction papers to those articles, then write a proposal describing and defending and their topic choice, and next engage in research on their topic and produce an outline of their final paper. Then, at the conclusion of the semester, students present their papers to their peers and faculty and submit a research paper of at least 15 pages. Pre: LING 102, 311 and 321.

3.000 Credit hours
45.000 Lecture hours

Schedule Types: Lecture

Hawaiian Language Division
Hawaiian Language Department

Gen. Ed./Focus:
ALEX - Applied Learning Experience

LING 102,311,321 as pre-req
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University of Hawai'i