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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2022
Jan 17, 2025
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Colored Schedule Types link to scheduled sections of the course for the term at this institution. If all Schedule Types are listed in black text, the course is not scheduled for the term.

APSC 490A - Senior Practicum-CM - University of Hawaii West Oahu
Pre: Consent of instructor; one class of upper-division writing intensive course work; and completion of concentration requirements. Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENG 200. With assistance from an applied science Faculty Advisor, students will complete a practicum or internship with an appropriate community agency or institution. As an intern, the student is delegated the responsibility of developing the solution to a well-defined problem, or is asked to complete a field-relevant task. Students report on the experience using their understanding of the field in which they are working. Students will share the results of this learning process with peers and will assist each other in refining communications skills. A: Creative Media; C: Computing, Electronics & Networking Technology; I: Information Technology; M: Culinary Management; R: Respiratory Care; S: Information Security & Assurance.
3.000 Credit hours
45.000 Other hours

Schedule Types: Practicum Instruction

Academy for CM - West Oahu Department

Gen. Ed./Focus:
WI - Writing Intensive

one UD WI crse; instr appr
ENG 200 completed or concurr
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University of Hawai'i