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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2022
Feb 12, 2025
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Colored Schedule Types link to scheduled sections of the course for the term at this institution. If all Schedule Types are listed in black text, the course is not scheduled for the term.

KES 401 - Sem in KES: Profess.Develop - University of Hawaii at Hilo
This course will study selected topics and research in Kinesiology and Exercise Science professions. The purpose of this class is to provide an on-going forum for presentation and discussion of emerging issues within various professions (e.g. health promotion, sport psychology, strength and conditioning, and allied health professions). Students will inventory their core values, interests, skills, and strengths and utilize them towards the application process. Students will learn about resume/curriculum vitae preparation, cover letter construction, interview preparation, the importance of social media presence (e.g. LinkedIN, facebook), and negotiation when applying for jobs/graduate school. Pre: Junior or Senior Standing

2.000 Credit hours
30.000 Lecture hours

Schedule Types: Lecture

Natural Sciences Division
Natural Sciences Department

Must be enrolled in one of the following Classifications:     

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University of Hawai'i