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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2022
Feb 19, 2025
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Colored Schedule Types link to scheduled sections of the course for the term at this institution. If all Schedule Types are listed in black text, the course is not scheduled for the term.

HIST 316 - 19th C. Pacific - University of Hawaii at Hilo
This is a survey course in the history of Oceania, up to and including the 19th C. Topics include migration and settlement of the Pacific, development of complex societies of Oceania, encounters with Euro-Americans, cultural exchange, and colonization. Pre: Sophomore standing or instructor's consent.

3.000 Credit hours
45.000 Lecture hours

Schedule Types: Hybrid-Technology Intensive, Lecture

Social Sciences Division
Social Sciences Department

Gen. Ed./Focus:
DS - Diversification: Social Sci, GAHP - HIL Hawaii/ Asia/Pacific, HPP - Hawaii-Pan-Pacific

May not be enrolled as the following Classifications:     

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University of Hawai'i