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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2021
Feb 14, 2025
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Colored Schedule Types link to scheduled sections of the course for the term at this institution. If all Schedule Types are listed in black text, the course is not scheduled for the term.

CBES 681 - Advance Geo-Spatial Techniques - University of Hawaii at Hilo
CBES 681 is an advanced course in spatial analysis and modeling specific to Geospatial Information Science. This course will emphasize the correct application of Geospatial software tools along with the underlying theories and opportunities for applied learning in terrain modeling, suitability modeling, predictive ecosystems mapping and data visualization. Further knowledge and skills will be developed by customization of GIS applications through interface design and automation of geospatial analysis procedures. This course is dual listed with GEOG 481.

3.000 Credit hours
45.000 Lecture hours
15.000 Other hours

Schedule Types: Hybrid-Technology Intensive, Lecture, Lecture/Discussion

Interdisciplinary Division
Interdisciplinary Studies Department

May not be enrolled in one of the following Degrees:     
      Non Degree
May not be enrolled in one of the following Colleges:     
      Continuing Educ & Training
Must be enrolled in one of the following Majors:     
      Trop Conserv Bio & Environ Sci

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University of Hawai'i