University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials
Windward Community College Fall 2020 Class Availability
Back to list of subjects Click on the CRN for additional class information.
GenEd/Focus/ Special Des. |
CRN | Course | Section | Title | Credits | Instructor | Curr. Enrolled |
Seats avail. |
Days | Time | Room | Dates |
60497 | HLTH 124C | 0 | Kupuna Care for Nurse Aides | 3 | S A Kamaka | 1 | 24 | M | 0900- |
WWW | 08/24-10/16 | |
Pre-Requisites: Grade of C or better in HLTH 123C or instructor consent. Tuition for this class is paid for by the Title III Grant. NOTE: This class is part of a three-course sequence designed to prepare students to credential for Certified Nursing Assistants. This class is an eight-week class that meets during the second half of the semester. This is an online - scheduled (synchronous) course. This course is delivered fully online through video conferencing software (such as Zoom or Google Meet). Students MUST have access to a computer, the Internet, and use their UH email account to participate in this course. Attendance is required on the scheduled day(s) and time(s) of class instruction. |
60145 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | K R Longenecker | 23 | 2 | TBA | TBA | WWW | 08/24-12/18 | |
Pre-Requisite: Grade of C or better in ENG 21 or ENG 23 or placement into ENG 100X or higher. This is an online - unscheduled (asynchronous) course. This course is completely online. There are no dedicated day(s) and time(s) for class instruction. Students MUST have access to a computer, the Internet, and use their UH email account to participate in this course. Students will participate by completing and submitting coursework by the stated deadlines. |
60146 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | K R Longenecker | 24 | 1 | TBA | TBA | WWW | 08/24-12/18 | |
Pre-Requisite: Grade of C or better in ENG 21 or ENG 23 or placement into ENG 100X or higher. This is an online - unscheduled (asynchronous) course. This course is completely online. There are no dedicated day(s) and time(s) for class instruction. Students MUST have access to a computer, the Internet, and use their UH email account to participate in this course. Students will participate by completing and submitting coursework by the stated deadlines. |