University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Manoa • Spring 2025 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Earth Sciences (ERTH)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
DP,TXT0 84438 ERTH 101 001 Dynamic Earth 3 T R Naumann 158 62 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/13-05/16
DP,IDAP 84435 ERTH 101 002 Dynamic Earth 3 B Popp 218 2 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 84442 ERTH 101L 001 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 S K Rowland 24 1 M 0130-0420p POST 706 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 84444 ERTH 101L 002 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 S K Rowland 23 2 T 0130-0420p POST 706 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 84449 ERTH 101L 003 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 S K Rowland 23 2 W 0130-0420p POST 706 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 84447 ERTH 101L 004 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 S K Rowland 24 1 R 0130-0420p POST 706 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 84448 ERTH 101L 005 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 S K Rowland 24 1 F 0130-0420p POST 706 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 84446 ERTH 101L 006 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 S K Rowland 24 1 W 0830-1120a POST 706 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 86078 ERTH 101L 007 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 S K Rowland 22 3 F 0830-1120a POST 706 01/13-05/16
DY,IDAP 84450 ERTH 101L 008 Dynamic Earth Laboratory 1 D E Eason 179 41 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/13-05/16
HAP,TXT0 87269 ERTH 104 001 Volcanoes in the Sea 3 H H Kane 118 2 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/13-05/16
DP,IDAP 87358 ERTH 105 001 Voyage through the Solar Systm 3 P A Englert 29 0 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/13-05/16
DP,DY,IDAP 88710 ERTH 107 001 Solar System Studio 4 P A Englert 22 3 TR 0930-1200p POST 544 01/13-05/16
DP,TXT0 84455 ERTH 111 001 Introduction to Volcanoes 3 T R Naumann 173 2 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/13-05/16
DP 88715 ERTH 130 001 Geologic Hazards 3 S K Rowland 15 65 MWF 1030-1120a POST 723 01/13-05/16
FGC,TXT0 84456 ERTH 135 001 Nat Disasters & Human History 3 D E Eason 75 0 TR 0900-1015a POST 723 01/13-05/16
DP,DY,IDAP,NI,WI 84457 ERTH 200 001 Geological Inquiry
Restriction: Major
4 A N Kamanu 16 4 TR 1030-1145a POST 733 01/13-05/16
                T 1230-0320p POST 733 01/13-05/16
DP,WI 84461 ERTH 302 001 Igneous Petrology 3 J Hammer 10 10 MW 1030-1120a POST 703 01/13-05/16
                R 0130-0420p POST 703 01/13-05/16
DP,TXT0,WI 84463 ERTH 305 001 Geological Field Methods 3 S K Rowland 20 0 F 1230-0120p POST 703 01/13-05/16
                S 0800-0400p FIELD TBA 01/13-05/16
DP,DY 86106 ERTH 306 001 Work of Water 3 S K Rowland 18 7 F 0130-0420p POST 703 01/13-05/16
                T 1200-0115p POST 703 01/13-05/16
DP,DY 84465 ERTH 309 001 Sedimentary Processes/Enviro 4 H Asmar de Abreu Andrade 20 4 MWF 1130-1220p POST 703 01/13-05/16
                W 0130-0420p POST 703 01/13-05/16
DP,DY 87223 ERTH 323 001 Physics of Earth & Planets 4 R Dunn 6 22 TR 1030-1145a POST 703 01/13-05/16
                M 0130-0420p POST 703 01/13-05/16
  88713 ERTH 395 001 Undergraduate Internship
Restriction: Instructor Approval
1-3 H S Saito 3 7 TBA TBA TBA TBA 01/13-05/16
  84554 ERTH 413 001 Statistics & Data Analysis 3 S J Coats 10 0 MW 0930-1020a POST 733 01/13-05/16
                F 0930-1220p POST 733 01/13-05/16
DP,TXT0 86103 ERTH 451 001 Earthquakes &Crustal Deformatn 3 H A Janiszewski 7 8 TR 0130-0245p POST 807 01/13-05/16
  89109 ERTH 461 001 Geospatial Information 3 C K Shuler 10 2 T 0130-0420p ONLINE SYNC 01/13-05/16
                R 0900-1015a ONLINE SYNC 01/13-05/16
  88719 ERTH 469 001 Origin of the Solar System 3 E Dobrica 3 11 MWF 1030-1120a POST 708 01/13-05/16
  84499 ERTH 610 001 Graduate Seminar 1 R Economos 14 11 W 0130-0220p POST 723 01/13-05/16
  84555 ERTH 613 001 Statistics & Data Analysis 3 S J Coats 4 0 MW 0930-1020a POST 733 01/13-05/16
                F 0930-1220p POST 733 01/13-05/16
  88716 ERTH 632 001 Gravity,Magnetics, Heat Trans. 3 G Apuzen-Ito 4 11 TR 1200-0115p POST 702 01/13-05/16
TXT0 88718 ERTH 639 001 Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry 3 B Popp 9 11 TR 0130-0245p POST 708 01/13-05/16
  89490 ERTH 656 001 Groundwater Modeling 3 X Geng 7 3 TR 1200-0115p POST 708 01/13-05/16
  88714 ERTH 707 001 Exoplanet Astronomy 3 E Gaidos 1 6 TR 0900-1015a POST 733 01/13-05/16
  87653 ERTH 711 001 Spec Tpcs: Earth & Planet Sc
(Hydrogeophysics in Volcanic Environments)
Restriction: Instructor Approval
3 A K Haroon 3 7 TR 0300-0415p POST 601 01/13-05/16
  89134 ERTH 711 002 Spec Tpcs: Earth & Planet Sc
(Postshield and Rejuvenation Stage Volcanism)
3 A J Pietruszka 9 1 F 0900-1130a POST 613 01/13-05/16
  89712 ERTH 711 003 Spec Tpcs: Earth & Planet Sc
(Curriculum Development of Undergraduate Planetary Science Courses)
3 P A Englert 2 1 TR 1210-0115p POST 544 01/13-05/16

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL = Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning NI = Non-introductory Course
FW = Foundation Written Communication

Focus Requirements:
ETH = Contemporary Ethical Issues
HAP = Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC = Oral Communication
WI = Writing Intensive

NOTE: Courses numbered 600 and above are restricted to classified graduate students only. All unclassified students must obtain approval from the department to register.

Special Designation:
FONL = Fully Online C19 = Online due to COVID-19 OI = Off Island IDAP = eBook Access
EC = Early College H19 = Hybrid due to COVID-19 OS = Off-Site TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday R = Thursday U = Sunday
T = Tuesday F = Friday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday S= Saturday