University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials
University of Hawaii at Manoa Fall 2024 Class Availability
Back to list of subjects Click on the CRN for additional class information.
GenEd/Focus/ Special Des. |
CRN | Course | Section | Title | Credits | Instructor | Curr. Enrolled |
Seats avail. |
Days | Time | Room | Dates |
DS | 71309 | SOC 100 | 001 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | M Yang | 145 | 5 | MW | 0900- |
BUSAD A102 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,TXT0 | 71040 | SOC 100 | 002 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | M C Rost-Banik | 148 | 2 | TR | 1200- |
ART 132 | 08/26-12/20 |
This class will meet asynchronously, plus one mandatory synchronous course orientation to be arranged with the instructor. | ||||||||||||
DS | 76564 | SOC 100 | 003 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | J M Lacanienta | 40 | 10 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
This class will meet asynchronously, plus three synchronous meetings scheduled for 9/4, 10/9 & 11/13. | ||||||||||||
DS | 77702 | SOC 100 | 004 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | M C Rost-Banik | 51 | 0 | W | 0530- |
ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
DS | 79337 | SOC 100 | 005 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | L Lin | 98 | 2 | TR | 0900- |
ARCH 205 | 08/26-12/20 |
FGB | 76302 | SOC 180 | 001 | Intro to Int & Global Studies | 3 | M Yang | 5 | 4 | MW | 0130- |
SAUND 541 | 08/26-12/20 |
This class will meet asynchronously online, except on Thursday 8/29, 9/5, 10/24, 11/21 which will meet online at a time agreed upon on the first day of instruction. | ||||||||||||
DS | 79429 | SOC 214 | 001 | Intro to Race & Ethnic Relatns | 3 | O T Bird | 12 | 0 | R | TBA | ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
DS | 74404 | SOC 218 | 001 | Intro to Social Problems | 3 | N R Sharma | 26 | 4 | MW | 1030- |
ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 77821 | SOC 230 | 001 | Introduction to Sustainability | 3 | A Kimura | 13 | 7 | TR | 1200- |
GRG 215 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 71041 | SOC 231 | 001 | Intro to Juvenile Delinquency | 3 | K Irwin | 30 | 0 | TR | 0900- |
GAR 101 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,HAP,TXT0,WI | 76565 | SOC 251 | 001 | Intro to Sociolgy of the Famly | 3 | L Liu | 20 | 0 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,HAP,TXT0,WI | 76922 | SOC 251 | 002 | Intro to Sociolgy of the Famly | 3 | L Liu | 20 | 0 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,HAP,TXT0,WI | 78162 | SOC 251 | 003 | Intro to Sociolgy of the Famly | 3 | L Liu | 21 | 0 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,TXT0 | 79427 | SOC 259 | 001 | East Asian Popular Cultures | 3 | S Chai | 5 | 1 | TR | 1030- |
ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Lab sessions begin during the second week of instruction | ||||||||||||
DS | 71042 | SOC 300 | 001 | Prin of Sociological Inquiry | 4 | E Paek | 14 | 6 | MW | 1200- |
SAUND 541 | 08/26-12/20 |
M | 0130- |
CR 114 | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
Lab sessions begin during the second week of instruction | ||||||||||||
DS | 71043 | SOC 300 | 002 | Prin of Sociological Inquiry | 4 | E Paek | 15 | 5 | MW | 1200- |
SAUND 541 | 08/26-12/20 |
W | 0130- |
CR 114 | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
This class will meet asynchronously online, with labs meeting online on Fridays 1:30-2:20pm begin the second week of instruction. | ||||||||||||
DS | 76566 | SOC 300 | 003 | Prin of Sociological Inquiry | 4 | M L Floyd | 32 | 3 | F | 0130- |
ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
DS | 76303 | SOC 305 | 001 | Women and Health | 3 | A Kimura | 18 | 9 | TR | 0900- |
SAUND 244 | 08/26-12/20 |
This class will meet asynchronously online, except on Mondays 10:30-11:20am which will meet in-person. | ||||||||||||
DS,TXT0 | 79597 | SOC 305 | 002 | Women and Health | 3 | P K Bovard | 20 | 2 | M | 1030- |
GRG 214 | 08/26-12/20 |
TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
DS,TXT0 | 79338 | SOC 311 | 001 | Sur Soc Ineqlty & Stratificatn | 3 | L Lin | 7 | 23 | TR | 1200- |
SAUND 244 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 79459 | SOC 313 | 001 | Survey of Sociology of Work | 3 | E Paek | 5 | 25 | MW | 0900- |
SAUND 244 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,TXT0 | 71044 | SOC 321 | 001 | Survey of Sociological Theory | 3 | M Steger | 51 | 9 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 79351 | SOC 321 | 002 | Survey of Sociological Theory | 3 | K G Scott | 12 | 18 | TR | 1030- |
GRG 214 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,TXT0 | 74405 | SOC 333 | 001 | Criminology | 3 | A T Rubin | 179 | 1 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 72387 | SOC 335 | 001 | Drugs and Society | 3 | N M Kohl | 48 | 2 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 79428 | SOC 336 | 001 | Deviance and Social Control | 3 | K Irwin | 46 | 4 | TR | 1200- |
CR 115 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 71045 | SOC 341 | 001 | Survey of Social Psychology | 3 | B Joyce | 15 | 15 | MWF | 1030- |
SAUND 244 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,TXT0,WI | 79458 | SOC 352 | 001 | Survy of Sociolgy of Education | 3 | M C Rost-Banik | 14 | 6 | W | 0830- |
GAR 101 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 72564 | SOC 354 | 001 | Survey of Medical Sociology | 3 | L Liu | 29 | 1 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,TXT0 | 76574 | SOC 362 | 001 | Sociology of Gender | 3 | M C Rost-Banik | 8 | 17 | TR | 0900- |
GRG 215 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 76148 | SOC 374 | 001 | Law, Politics and Society | 3 | K C Heyer | 10 | 1 | TR | 0130- |
SAUND 541 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,ETH | 76557 | SOC 418 | 001 | Gender and Work | 3 | M Das Gupta | 13 | 12 | TR | 0900- |
GRG 214 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS | 79426 | SOC 454 | 001 | Analysis in Medical Sociology | 3 | K N Mossakowski | 14 | 6 | R | 0130- |
MOORE 117 | 08/26-12/20 |
DS,HAP | 77703 | SOC 456 | 001 | Racism & Ethnicity in Hawaii | 3 | J R Darrah | 28 | 2 | MW | 1200- |
WEB 103 | 08/26-12/20 |
This class will meet asynchronously online, except on Thursday 8/29, 9/5, 10/24, 11/21 which will meet online at a time agreed upon on the first day of instruction. | ||||||||||||
DS | 77705 | SOC 475 | 001 | Analysis in Survey Research | 3 | O T Bird | 30 | 0 | R | TBA | ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
78062 | SOC 494 | 001 | Social Sciences Internship Restriction: Instructor Approval |
3-6 | U Hasager | 2 | 14 | TBA | TBA | TBA TBA | 08/26-12/20 | |
This class meets online Mondays 2:00-4:30pm, except on 8/26, 10/7 & 12/2 which will meet in-person. | ||||||||||||
79411 | SOC 609 | 001 | Seminar Qualitative Research | 3 | N R Sharma | 11 | 0 | M | 0200- |
BUSAD D103 | 08/26-12/20 | |
TBA | TBA | ONLINE SYNC | 08/26-12/20 | |||||||||
72180 | SOC 611 | 001 | Classical Sociological Theory | 3 | S Chai | 8 | 2 | R | 0130- |
SAUND 242 | 08/26-12/20 | |
79425 | SOC 616 | 001 | Seminar in Stress & Health | 3 | K N Mossakowski | 8 | 4 | M | 1030- |
GAR 101 | 08/26-12/20 |
Focus Requirements: | |
ETH | = Contemporary Ethical Issues |
HAP | = Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues |
OC | = Oral Communication |
WI | = Writing Intensive |
NOTE: Courses numbered 600 and above are restricted to classified graduate students only. All unclassified students must obtain approval from the department to register.
Special Designation: | |||||||
FONL | = Fully Online | C19 | = Online due to COVID-19 | OI | = Off Island | IDAP | = eBook Access | EC | = Early College | H19 | = Hybrid due to COVID-19 | OS | = Off-Site | TXT0 | = Textbook Cost $0 |