University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Manoa • Fall 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Political Science (POLS)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
DS 74231 POLS 110 001 Intro to Political Science 3 F Mantz 29 1 MW 0900-1015a SAUND 637 08/26-12/20
DS 74399 POLS 110 002 Intro to Political Science 3 K Su 29 1 TR 0900-1015a KUY 310 08/26-12/20
DS 77354 POLS 110 003 Intro to Political Science 3 F Mantz 28 2 MW 1030-1145a SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
DS 79134 POLS 110 004 Intro to Political Science 3 S P Hennessey 27 3 TR 0300-0415p SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
FGB 74714 POLS 160 001 Intro to Int & Global Studies 3 M Yang 31 4 MW 0130-0245p SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
DS 79676 POLS 180 001 Intro to Hawai'i Politics 3 C K Lasconia 31 0 TR 1030-1145a SAUND 637 08/26-12/20
DS,HAP 77359 POLS 301 001 Hawaii Politics 3 D I Saranillio 39 1 TR 0900-1015a SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
DS,HAP 72869 POLS 302 001 Native Hawaiian Politics 3 N K Silva 38 2 MW 1030-1145a MIL 2 08/26-12/20
DS,HAP 79972 POLS 304 002 Indigenous Politics 3 N K Silva 29 1 TR 1030-1145a WEB 104 08/26-12/20
DS 79760 POLS 305 002 Global Politics/Comparative 3 A Mota Alves 29 1 MW 1200-0115p ONLINE SYNC 08/26-12/20
DS 76738 POLS 307B 001 Tpcs Comp Politcs: SE Asia 3 E Kimura 40 0 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
DS 79977 POLS 307B 002 Tpcs Comp Politcs: SE Asia 3 E Kimura 19 1 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
DS 76731 POLS 308 001 Chinese Political Economy 3 K X Zhou 12 5 MW 0130-0245p SAUND 244 08/26-12/20
DS 70950 POLS 315 001 Global Politics/Intl Relations 3 N S Grove 40 0 MW 0900-1015a SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
DS 79707 POLS 315 003 Global Politics/Intl Relations 3 S Myung 30 0 TR 0900-1015a GRG 213 08/26-12/20
  79182 POLS 321 001 International Migration 3 N Soguk 33 7 TR 1200-0115p SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
DH 79632 POLS 325 001 Religion and Law in the U.S. 3 K M Sands 7 1 TR 1030-1145a HIG 311 08/26-12/20
DS 75059 POLS 335 001 History of Political Thought 3 B D Watson 27 3 TR 1200-0115p KUY 209 08/26-12/20
DS 73089 POLS 335 002 History of Political Thought 3 G B Werner 29 1 MW 0900-1015a SAKAM D101 08/26-12/20
DS 79476 POLS 339 001 Feminist Theory 3 M Koikari 4 6 TR 1030-1145a ONLINE SYNC 08/26-12/20
DS 76133 POLS 374 001 Law, Politics and Society 3 K C Heyer 29 1 TR 0130-0245p SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
DS 79215 POLS 376 001 Con Law II: Rights 3 J Goldberg-Hiller 28 7 MW 0130-0245p GAR 103 08/26-12/20
DS 79725 POLS 380 001 Environmental Law and Politics 3 F Mantz 25 1 TR 0900-1015a SAUND 637 08/26-12/20
DS 74750 POLS 385 001 American Politics 3 J A Joines 27 3 TR 0900-1015a BUSAD E202 08/26-12/20
DS 74442 POLS 385 002 American Politics 3 L H Nitz 24 16 MW 0130-0245p BUSAD G103 08/26-12/20
  72922 POLS 386 001 Public Policy-Making
Restriction: Instructor Approval
3 L H Nitz 4 11 TBA TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
DS 70951 POLS 390 001 Political Inquiry & Analysis 3 P R Flowers 35 0 TR 1030-1145a SAUND 541 08/26-12/20
DS 72956 POLS 390 002 Political Inquiry & Analysis 3 V Sanadhya 27 3 MW 1030-1145a KUY 305 08/26-12/20
  72004 POLS 401 001 Teaching Political Science
Restriction: Instructor Approval
3 J Goldberg-Hiller 1 9 TBA TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
DS 70960 POLS 403 001 Community Internship
Restriction: Instructor Approval
3-6 L H Nitz 8 2 TBA TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
  78225 POLS 404 001 Senior Thesis
Restriction: Instructor Approval
3 J Goldberg-Hiller 4 6 TBA TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
  72879 POLS 405 001 Executive Internship
Restriction: Instructor Approval
3-6 L H Nitz 2 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
DS,WI 71554 POLS 406 001 Senior Sem in Political Sci 3 K E Ferguson 19 1 R 1200-0230p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  72870 POLS 408 001 Congressional Internship
Restriction: Instructor Approval
6 L H Nitz 4 0 TBA TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
  70961 POLS 600 001 Scope & Methods of Pol Sci 3 D Samaniego 8 12 F 0930-1200p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  74018 POLS 610 001 Political Theory and Analysis 3 K E Ferguson 8 7 T 0930-1200p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  78197 POLS 615C 001 Feminist Theory 3 K E Ferguson 1 8 W 0930-1200p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  73738 POLS 630 001 International Relations 3 N S Grove 7 8 M 1200-0230p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  Course meets in person Aug. 28, online synchronous for two-hour period Wednesday afternoons 3-5 p.m. Sept. 11 & 25, Oct. 9 & 23, and in person Friday night and Saturday Nov. 1 & 2. Please contact instructor for specific hours.
TXT0 77396 POLS 634 001 Teaching Model United Nations
Restriction: Instructor Approval
1 C M Stephenson 0 10 TBA TBA ONLINE SYNC 08/26-12/20
                TBA TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
  79283 POLS 645C 001 Politics of China 3 K X Zhou 2 0 M 0300-0530p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  77403 POLS 686 001 Politics of Hawaii 3 D I Saranillio 8 2 R 0300-0530p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  79418 POLS 703 001 Writing Politics 3 J N Goodyear-Kaopua 14 1 T 1200-0230p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  79284 POLS 730 001 Sem: International Relations 3 N Soguk 6 4 T 0300-0530p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20
  79288 POLS 777 001 Decolonial Futures 3 J H Osorio 11 2 W 1200-0230p SAUND 624 08/26-12/20

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL = Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning NI = Non-introductory Course
FW = Foundation Written Communication

Focus Requirements:
ETH = Contemporary Ethical Issues
HAP = Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC = Oral Communication
WI = Writing Intensive

NOTE: Courses numbered 600 and above are restricted to classified graduate students only. All unclassified students must obtain approval from the department to register.

Special Designation:
FONL = Fully Online C19 = Online due to COVID-19 OI = Off Island IDAP = eBook Access
EC = Early College H19 = Hybrid due to COVID-19 OS = Off-Site TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday R = Thursday U = Sunday
T = Tuesday F = Friday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday S= Saturday