University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Manoa • Fall 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

East Asian Languages & Lit (EALL)

All registered students must attend the first class meeting. Failure to do so without prior consent of the instructor or department advisor may result in the assignment of your space to another student and require you to drop the class to avoid a grade of "F."

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
FW 79470 EALL 100 001 Writing East Asia 3 Y Jeon 20 0 TR 1030-1145a BIL 319A 08/26-12/20
FW 79974 EALL 100 002 Writing East Asia 3 Y Peng 19 1 TR 1030-1145a MOORE 120 08/26-12/20
DH 78772 EALL 140 001 Intro to Chinese Lang & Cult 3 D R McCraw 18 2 MWF 1230-0120p ONLINE SYNC 08/26-12/20
DL 75967 EALL 271 001 Jpnse Lit in Trans-Traditional 3 V Gazarov 29 1 TR 0900-1015a MOORE 119 08/26-12/20
DL 75968 EALL 272 001 Jpnse Lit in Translatn-Modern 3 T McMillin 30 0 TR 1030-1145a MOORE 119 08/26-12/20
DL 75969 EALL 272 002 Jpnse Lit in Translatn-Modern 3 G K Hinkley 30 0 MWF 0130-0220p MOORE 119 08/26-12/20
DL,TXT0,WI 75970 EALL 282 001 Korean Lit in Trans-Modern 3 D Han 18 2 TR 1200-0115p KUY 408 08/26-12/20
DH 73740 EALL 325D 001 Jpn Film: Art/Hist-Spec Topics 3 J D Szostak 9 3 TR 0130-0245p MOORE 253 08/26-12/20
DL,WI 75971 EALL 361 001 Chinese Literature: Ancient 3 D R McCraw 18 2 MWF 1130-1220p ONLINE SYNC 08/26-12/20
DL,ETH,TXT0,WI 78773 EALL 364 001 20th Century CHN Women Writers 3 M Yue 13 3 TR 1030-1145a BIL 341A 08/26-12/20
DL 79678 EALL 371 001 Topics in Traditional JPN Lit 3 H G Reidpath 19 1 TR 1200-0115p MOORE 103 08/26-12/20
DL,WI 75972 EALL 372 001 Topics in Modern JPN Lit 3 A R Haag 18 2 TR 0130-0245p MOORE 423 08/26-12/20
  79758 EALL 375 002 Japanese Cultural Studies
(Adventures in Japanese Pop Culture, from Momotaro to One Piece)
3 T N Barnett 31 0 MWF 0230-0320p ONLINE SYNC 08/26-12/20
TXT0 78812 EALL 384 001 Modern Korean Women Writers 3 E J Yoon 11 9 MW 0900-1015a BIL 341A 08/26-12/20
  78774 EALL 647 001 Contemp. Chinese Documentary 3 Y Peng 5 5 T 1220-0250p MOORE 394 08/26-12/20
  78827 EALL 750 001 Sem:Comparison of E Asian Lang 3 M J Burdelski 10 0 T 0300-0530p MOORE 204 08/26-12/20

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL = Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning NI = Non-introductory Course
FW = Foundation Written Communication

Focus Requirements:
ETH = Contemporary Ethical Issues
HAP = Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC = Oral Communication
WI = Writing Intensive

NOTE: Courses numbered 600 and above are restricted to classified graduate students only. All unclassified students must obtain approval from the department to register.

Special Designation:
FONL = Fully Online C19 = Online due to COVID-19 OI = Off Island IDAP = eBook Access
EC = Early College H19 = Hybrid due to COVID-19 OS = Off-Site TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday R = Thursday U = Sunday
T = Tuesday F = Friday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday S= Saturday