University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Manoa • Fall 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Astronomy (ASTR)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
DP 73060 ASTR 110 001 Survey of Astronomy 3 D B Sanders 42 88 MWF 0930-1020a BIOMD B103 08/26-12/20
DP 70088 ASTR 110 002 Survey of Astronomy 3 D B Sanders 92 38 MWF 1030-1120a BIOMD B103 08/26-12/20
DP,IDAP 70087 ASTR 110 003 Survey of Astronomy 3 K C Chambers 86 4 TR 1030-1145a MSB 114 08/26-12/20
DP,IDAP 79873 ASTR 110 004 Survey of Astronomy 3 E A Magnier 139 11 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20

All students registered for any Astronomy Lab must attend the first lab meeting of the semester. Failure to do so, without advance arrangements, may result in the assignment of your space to another student and require you to drop the lab to avoid a grade of 'F'. You cannot register for an Astronomy Lab after the start of class unless you attend the first meeting.

DY 72391 ASTR 110L 002 Survey of Astronomy Laboratory 1 D J Tholen 13 0 W 0700-1000p PHYSCI 112 08/26-12/20
DY 72664 ASTR 110L 003 Survey of Astronomy Laboratory 1 A C Boogert 18 0 R 0700-1000p PHYSCI 108 08/26-12/20
DP 73061 ASTR 130 001 Intro to Archaeoastronomy 3 E Hu 21 9 TR 1200-0115p WAT 114 08/26-12/20
DP,IDAP 77501 ASTR 150 001 Voyage through the Solar Systm 3 P A Englert 92 5 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
DP,NI 72646 ASTR 241 001 Foundations of Astrophysics I 3 J E Barnes 13 17 MWF 1030-1120a WAT 114 08/26-12/20
DP 73419 ASTR 300 001 Observational Astronomy 3 E A Magnier 18 12 MWF 0230-0320p WAT 114 08/26-12/20
DY 73420 ASTR 300L 001 Observational Astronomy Lab 2 D M Farrah 16 14 TR 0130-0320p WAT 415 08/26-12/20
DP 78759 ASTR 426 001 Galaxies & Cosmology 3 D M Farrah 23 7 TR 1200-0115p WAT 415 08/26-12/20
WI 73717 ASTR 494 001 Senior Research Project 1 C J Baranec 9 11 T 0130-0220p PHYSCI 211 08/26-12/20
  77848 ASTR 601 001 Being a Prof Astronomer
Restriction: Major
1 M C Liu 5 15 W 0330-0420p IFA B228 08/26-12/20
  78760 ASTR 623 001 Stellar Interiors & Evolution 3 J L van Saders 13 2 WF 0130-0245p IFA C221 08/26-12/20
  73964 ASTR 633 001 Astrophysical Techniques 3 F Dai 5 15 TR 0330-0445p IFA C221 08/26-12/20
  79875 ASTR 736 001 Astronomy Seminar III
(Plasma Physics)
Restriction: Major
2 C C Haggerty 4 6 TR 0900-1015a IFA C221 08/26-12/20
  78761 ASTR 750 001 Scientific Grant Writing 1 K Meech 5 15 T 1200-0245p IFA C221 08/26-12/20
  79101 ASTR 777 001 Star Formation 2 J P Williams 4 16 M 0130-0320p IFA B228 08/26-12/20
  74980 ASTR 790 001 Astro-ph Seminar
Restriction: Major
1 C C Haggerty 1 19 MTWRF 1030-1100a IFA C108 08/26-12/20
  79633 ASTR 792 001 Stars and Planets Seminar
Restriction: Major
1 F Dai 1 19 M 1200-0100p IFA B228 08/26-12/20

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL = Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning NI = Non-introductory Course
FW = Foundation Written Communication

Focus Requirements:
ETH = Contemporary Ethical Issues
HAP = Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC = Oral Communication
WI = Writing Intensive

NOTE: Courses numbered 600 and above are restricted to classified graduate students only. All unclassified students must obtain approval from the department to register.

Special Designation:
FONL = Fully Online C19 = Online due to COVID-19 OI = Off Island IDAP = eBook Access
EC = Early College H19 = Hybrid due to COVID-19 OS = Off-Site TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday R = Thursday U = Sunday
T = Tuesday F = Friday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday S= Saturday