University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Manoa • Spring 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Linguistics (LING)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
  LING 102 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 are self-directed study sections.
DS,WI 86268 LING 102 001 Intro to the Study of Language 3 K E Bialo 20 0 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 are self-directed study sections.
DS,WI 86269 LING 102 002 Intro to the Study of Language 3 E K Breslow 20 0 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 are self-directed study sections.
DS,WI 86270 LING 102 003 Intro to the Study of Language 3 S F Dossett 21 0 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 are self-directed study sections.
DS,WI 86271 LING 102 004 Intro to the Study of Language 3 G E Sawyer 17 3 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 are self-directed study sections.
DS,WI 86272 LING 102 005 Intro to the Study of Language 3 R Yamawaki 19 1 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
DS,WI 86389 LING 102 006 Intro to the Study of Language 3 Y Lee 18 2 MWF 0930-1020a BIL 341A 01/08-05/10
DS,WI 86390 LING 102 007 Intro to the Study of Language 3 R A Daniels 20 0 MWF 1030-1120a HOLM 248 01/08-05/10
DS,WI 86391 LING 102 008 Intro to the Study of Language 3 K Lin 20 0 TR 1030-1145a KELL 404 01/08-05/10
DS,WI 86392 LING 102 009 Intro to the Study of Language 3 S Y Gabber 20 0 TR 0900-1015a KELL 313 01/08-05/10
DS,WI 86393 LING 102 010 Intro to the Study of Language 3 O C Bianchini 19 1 MWF 1130-1220p AGSCI 204 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 011 is a self-directed study section.
DS,WI 89455 LING 102 011 Intro to the Study of Language 3 K M McLeod 19 1 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 012 is a self-directed study section.
DS,WI 89472 LING 102 012 Intro to the Study of Language 3 K M McLeod 20 0 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 013 is a self-directed study section.
DS,WI 89550 LING 102 013 Intro to the Study of Language 3 A M Yount 19 1 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 102 014 is a self-directed study section.
DS,WI 89557 LING 102 014 Intro to the Study of Language 3 C D Riedeman 17 3 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 105 001 is a self-directed study section.
FGB 86273 LING 105 001 Language endangerment 3 J Murphy 79 1 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
  LING 150B 001 is a self-directed study section.
DS,HAP 86274 LING 150B 001 Language in HAP: Unit Mastery 3 S Y Ohara-Saft 39 1 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 01/08-05/10
DS,HAP,WI 86394 LING 150C 001 Language in HAP: Lect/Disc 3 L M Zubiri 18 2 TR 0900-1015a BIL 341A 01/08-05/10
DS,HAP,WI 86395 LING 150C 002 Language in HAP: Lect/Disc 3 A M Topelian 19 1 MWF 1130-1220p SAUND 242 01/08-05/10
DS,HAP,WI 86396 LING 150C 003 Language in HAP: Lect/Disc 3 H S Osborne 19 1 MWF 0330-0420p MOORE 103 01/08-05/10
DS 80588 LING 320 001 General Linguistics 3 O M Waring 14 6 MW 0900-1015a MOORE 117 01/08-05/10
DS,OC,TXT0 85261 LING 412 001 Psycholinguistics 3 A Schafer 6 14 TR 1030-1145a MOORE 119 01/08-05/10
DS 86983 LING 417 001 Lang Endanger & Lang Revital 3 W O'Grady 4 1 TR 0130-0245p MOORE 575 01/08-05/10
DH 82443 LING 420 001 Morphology 3 S J Ludlow 16 4 MW 0130-0245p BIL 319 01/08-05/10
DH 81106 LING 421 001 Intro to Phonological Analysis 3 S M Easterday 7 13 TR 0900-1015a GAR 102 01/08-05/10
  89517 LING 431 001 Computational Modeling
(Language & Artificial Intelligence)
3 W O'Grady 5 5 T 0330-0630p MOORE 228 01/08-05/10
  86258 LING 617 001 Lg Acquisition&Revitalization 3 W O'Grady 2 8 TR 0130-0245p MOORE 575 01/08-05/10
  82444 LING 622 001 Grammar 3 S Fukuda 7 8 TR 0130-0245p MOORE 120 01/08-05/10
  81246 LING 630 001 Field Methods 3 B J McDonnell 10 10 M 1030-0100p SAKAM A101 01/08-05/10
  88751 LING 640F 002 Phonetics and Phonology 3 A Cheng 5 10 WF 0130-0245p MOORE 204 01/08-05/10
  87715 LING 640G 001 General, Miscellaneous
(Language, Landscape & Space)
3 G M Holton 3 12 M 0300-0600p MOORE 203 01/08-05/10
  89206 LING 640G 002 General, Miscellaneous
(Language Change)
3 S M Easterday 4 11 MW 0900-1015a MOORE 102 01/08-05/10
  88752 LING 640S 001 Sociolinguistics 3 A Cheng 4 11 WF 0330-0445p MOORE 204 01/08-05/10
  83318 LING 640Y 001 Psycholinguistics 3 A Schafer 6 9 TR 0300-0415p MOORE 102 01/08-05/10
  88753 LING 641 001 Professionalism in Linguistics
(Preparing for a career after grad school)
3 A L Berez-Kroeker 13 2 TR 1030-1145a MOORE 102 01/08-05/10
  83039 LING 710 001 Techniques Lang Documentation 3 B J McDonnell 10 5 TR 1030-1145a MOORE 204 01/08-05/10
  89449 LING 750G 002 Seminar: General
(Language & Artificial Intelligence)
3 W O'Grady 5 5 T 0330-0630p MOORE 228 01/08-05/10
  84693 LING 750Q 001 Seminar: Language Acquisition 3 K Deen 5 10 W 0300-0600p MOORE 203 01/08-05/10
  89574 LING 750Q 002 Seminar: Language Acquisition
(Performance Factors in Child Experimentation)
3 K Deen 5 10 TBA TBA TBA TBA 01/08-05/10

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL = Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning NI = Non-introductory Course
FW = Foundation Written Communication

Focus Requirements:
ETH = Contemporary Ethical Issues
HAP = Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC = Oral Communication
WI = Writing Intensive

NOTE: Courses numbered 600 and above are restricted to classified graduate students only. All unclassified students must obtain approval from the department to register.

Special Designation:
FONL = Fully Online C19 = Online due to COVID-19 OI = Off Island IDAP = eBook Access
EC = Early College H19 = Hybrid due to COVID-19 OS = Off-Site TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday R = Thursday U = Sunday
T = Tuesday F = Friday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday S= Saturday