University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials
Kauai Community College Fall 2024 Class Availability
Back to list of subjects Click on the CRN for additional class information.
GenEd/Focus/ Special Des. |
CRN | Course | Section | Title | Credits | Instructor | Curr. Enrolled |
Seats avail. |
Days | Time | Room | Dates |
DP,IDAP | 42133 | PHYS 151 | 0 | College Physics I | 3 | B R Dempsie | 20 | 4 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Prereq: Qualified for MATH 140X. Coreq: PHYS 151L Recommended prep: Previous Physics experience suggested but not required. A strong background in algebra and trigonometry is recommended. This class is online asynchronous, with synchronous support available through zoom. Concurrent registration in PHYS 151L (CRN 42134) is required. Email for more information. This class will be participating in the Interactive Digital Access Program (IDAP). An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account and you will have automatic access to your digital course materials. If you have any questions, please contact the Kauai Community College Bookstore or visit the FAQ at |
DY | 42134 | PHYS 151L | 0 | College Physics I Lab | 1 | B R Dempsie | 20 | 4 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Coreq: PHYS 151 This class is online asynchronous, with synchronous support available through zoom. Students will use physical lab kits to conduct hands-on experiments at home. Concurrent registration in PHYS 151 (CRN 42133) is required. Email for more information. |
DP,IDAP | 42034 | PHYS 170 | 0 | General Physics I | 4 | B R Dempsie | 23 | 1 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Prereq: "C" or higher or concurrent enrollment in MATH 241. Coreq: PHYS 170L Recommended prep: Previous Physics or Calculus experience suggested but not required. Previous Algebra experience strongly recommended. This class is online asynchronous, with synchronous support available through zoom. Concurrent registration in PHYS 170L (CRN 42035) is required. Email for more information. This class will be participating in the Interactive Digital Access Program (IDAP). An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account and you will have automatic access to your digital course materials. If you have any questions, please contact the Kauai Community College Bookstore or visit the FAQ at |
DY | 42035 | PHYS 170L | 0 | General Physics I Lab | 1 | B R Dempsie | 21 | 3 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Coreq: PHYS 170 This class is online asynchronous, with synchronous support available through zoom. Students will use physical lab kits to conduct hands-on experiments at home. Concurrent registration in PHYS 170 (CRN 42034) is required. Email for more information. |