University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

Kapi'olani Community College • Fall 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Science (SCI)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
DY,TXT0 31649 SCI 295BL 0 STEM research Exp. Bio/Mar Bio 1-3 B R Deis 3 7 TBA TBA KOKIO 101 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent

Recommended Preparation: Completion of a lab science course as stipulated by the instructor.
Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295BL may not be audited. SCI 295BL may not be taken credit/no credit. SCI 295BL may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credits.

SCI 295BL offers a research experience in science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to a specific project in biology and/or marine biology.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY,TXT0 31706 SCI 295BT 0 STEM ResearchExperience-Botany 1-3 M C Ross 1 9 TBA TBA KOKIO 101 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent

Recommended Preparation: Completion of a lab science course as stipulated by the instructor.

Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295BT may not be audited. SCI 295BT may not be taken credit/no credit. SCI 295BT may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credits.

SCI 295BT offers a research experience in science (botany), technology, engineering and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to a specific project.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY,TXT0 31422 SCI 295CS 0 STEM Research Exp. in Computer 1-3 L J Miller 3 7 TBA TBA KOKIO 207A 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent

Recommended Preparation: Completion of a lab science course as stipulated by the instructor.
Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295CS may not be audited. SCI 295CS may not be taken credit/no credit. SCI 295CS may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credits.

SCI 295CS offers a research experience in science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to a specific project in computer sciences.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY,TXT0 31744 SCI 295EC 0 STEM Research Exp in Ecology 1-3 W A Kuntz 3 7 TBA TBA KOKIO 101 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent.

Recommended Preparation: Completion of introductory or majors biology/ecology course or demonstrated interest in research or ecological management, as stipulated by the instructor.

Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295EC may not be audited. SCI 295EC may not be taken credit/no credit.

SCI 295EC offers a research experience in science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to an ecology project.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY,TXT0 32024 SCI 295EN 0 STEM Research in Engineering 1-3 A M Hanai 1 9 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent.

Recommended Preparation: Completion of a calculus-based physics course as stipulated by the instructor.

Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295EN may not be audited. SCI 295EN may not be taken credit/no credit. SCI 295EN may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credits.

SCI 295EN offers research experience in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the engineering design process to a specific project.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY,TXT0 31745 SCI 295ES 0 STEM Research Exp in Env Sci 1-3 W A Kuntz 0 10 TBA TBA KOKIO 101 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent.

Recommended Preparation: Completion of introductory or majors biology/ecology course or demonstrated interest in research or ecological management, as stipulated by the instructor.

Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295EC may not be audited. SCI 295EC may not be taken credit/no credit.

SCI 295EC offers a research experience in science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to an ecology project.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY,TXT0 31520 SCI 295MA 0 STEM Research: Mathematics 1-3 J C Rader 0 10 TBA TBA KOKIO 207A 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

Recommended Preparation: Completion of a lab science course as stipulated by the instructor.
Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295MA may not be audited. SCI 295MA may not be taken credit/no credit.

SCI 295MA offers research experience in science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of mathematical techniques to analyze or model a specific project.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY 31743 SCI 295MI 0 STEM Research in Microbiology 1-3 J M Berestecky 2 8 TBA TBA KOKIO 106 08/26-12/20
Prerequisite(s): Instructor Consent.
Recommended Preparation: Completion of a microbiology and/or molecular biology lab science course as stipulated by the instructor.
Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295MI may not be audited. SCI 295MI may not be taken credit/no credit. SCI 295MI may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credits.

SCI 295MI offers a research experience in science, technology, engineering and/or mathematics, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to a specific project in microbiology and/or molecular biology.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
DY,TXT0 31913 SCI 295PL 0 STEM ResearchExperiencePhysiol 1-3 A J Lee 1 9 TBA TBA KOKIO 203 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

Recommended Preparation: Completion of a lab science course as stipulated by the instructor.
Comment: Letter grade only. SCI 295PL may not be audited. SCI 295PL may not be taken credit/no credit. SCI 295PL may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credits.

SCI 295PL offers a research experience in physiology, emphasizing the application of the scientific method to a specific project.

Enrollment is dependent on instructor consent, for more information, please contact the instructor at

SCI 295 is a variable credit elective course offered in select disciplines. This course utilizes student-centered research platforms that employ inquiry-based application of the scientific method. Special Approval: Instructor Approval

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL= Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning
FW = Foundation Written Communication
Focus Requirements:
HAP= Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC= Oral Communication
WI= Writing Intensive
FY= Seats Reserved for First-Year Students
RI= Research Intensive

Special Designations:
ONLD = Fully Online Program IDAP = eBook Access OI = Off-Island EC = Early College
ONL5 = 5-Week Online Program TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0 OS = Off-Site SF = Sustainability Focused

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday F = Friday ONLINE ASYNC = Completely online, NO scheduled days/times
T = Tuesday S = Saturday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday U= Sunday
R = Thursday