University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

Kapi'olani Community College • Fall 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Music (MUS)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
DH,TXT0 31796 MUS 106 0 Intro to Music Literature 3 M Yang 13 22 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

This MUS 106 class section (CRN 31796) is conducted online. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. To take an online class, you need regular access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed Internet.
FGC 31050 MUS 107 0 Music in World Cultures 3 M Yang 35 0 T 1045-1200p OLONA 205 08/26-12/20
This MUS 107 (CRN 31050) is a HYBRID class. Students must be available for on-campus meetings on Tuesdays from 10:45 am to 12:00 pm. Students must also complete asynchronous online activities on their own time. To take a HYBRID class, students MUST have regular access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed Internet. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information and check your email account regularly for class notifications.
FGC 31051 MUS 107 0 Music in World Cultures 3 M Yang 30 5 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
This MUS 107 class section (CRN 31051) is conducted online. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. To take an online class, you need regular access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed Internet.
FGC 31052 MUS 107 0 Music in World Cultures 3 M Yang 29 6 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
This MUS 107 class section (CRN 31052) is conducted online. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. To take an online class, you need regular access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed Internet.
DA 31797 MUS 114 0 College Chorus 2 A E Lum 9 41 TR 0315-0430p MAILE 101 08/26-12/20
Comment: MUS 114 is offered in the Fall and Spring semesters only. MUS 114 may be repeated for a maximum of six credits.

Must be able to carry a tune and sing on pitch.
DA 31590 MUS 121C 0 Class Piano I 2 A E Lum 14 3 MW 0145-0300p OLONA 109 08/26-12/20
Comment: MUS 121C is repeatable for a maximum of four credits.

This MUS 121C class section (CRN 31590) is taught ftf through weekly learning activities and course work. It is not self-paced. Students are expected to check Laulima and UH email regularly, and must have reliable access to a computer and connection to the Internet. Contact the instructor ( for more information.
DA 31591 MUS 121C 0 Class Piano I 2 A E Lum 11 6 F 0915-1200p OLONA 109 08/26-12/20
Comment: MUS 121C is repeatable for a maximum of four credits.

This MUS 121C class section (CRN 31591) is held in-person. This class meets once a week at the listed day and time with some online activities. Please email your instructor ( for more information.
DA,TXT0 31592 MUS 121D 0 Guitar 1 2 J L Mattox 4 16 TR 1215-0130p MAILE 101 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Comment: MUS 121D is repeatable for a maximum of four credits. MUS 121D may not be audited. Each student must supply their own acoustic guitar (classical or steel string).

Students provide their own acoustic or electric guitar.
DA,TXT0 31593 MUS 121Z 0 'Ukulele 1 2 J L Mattox 7 13 WF 1215-0130p MAILE 101 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Comment: MUS 121Z is repeatable for a maximum of four credits.

Students must provide their own ukulele for classes and an electronic clip-on tuner.
DA,TXT0 31594 MUS 121Z 0 'Ukulele 1 2 J L Mattox 15 5 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Comment: MUS 121Z is repeatable for a maximum of four credits.

This MUS 121Z class section (CRN 31594) is taught online through weekly learning activities and course work. It is not self-paced. Students are expected to check Laulima and UH email regularly, and must have reliable access to a computer and connection to the Internet. This online class has asynchronous activities. Contact the instructor ( for more information.

Students must provide their own ukulele for classes and an electronic clip-on tuner.
DH,TXT0 31053 MUS 170 0 Music as Therapy 3 J D Koseki 28 7 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

This MUS 170 class section (CRN 31053) is conducted online. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. To take an online class, you need regular access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed Internet.

This class may require one or more hours of synchronous activity. One or more proctored exam(s) may be required. If required, options for proctored exam(s) will include using an authorized testing center ( (free through UH) and may include an optional online testing service for a fee. This class may require one or more hours of fieldwork per semester. Contact the instructor for more information.
DH,TXT0 31054 MUS 170 0 Music as Therapy 3 J D Koseki 19 16 TBA TBA ONLINE ASYNC 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

This MUS 170 class section (CRN 31054) is conducted online. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. To take an online class, you need regular access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed Internet.

This class may require one or more hours of synchronous activity. One or more proctored exam(s) may be required. If required, options for proctored exam(s) will include using an authorized testing center ( (free through UH) and may include an optional online testing service for a fee. This class may require one or more hours of fieldwork per semester. Contact the instructor for more information.
DA 31595 MUS 206 0 Synthesizer Ensemble 3 A E Lum 7 0 TR 0445-0615p OLONA 109 08/26-12/20
Prerequisite(s): MUS 121C or an equivalent piano course; and ability to read music in both the treble and the bass clef.

Recommended Preparation: Two years of piano experience and some knowledge of synthesizers.

Comment: Need Personal headset with a quarter-inch adapter, a one-inch/3-ring black binder with clear plastic front, and a pencil with an eraser. MUS 206 is repeatable for a maximum of six credits.
DA 31596 MUS 231C 0 Applied Music, Western (Piano) 1 A E Lum 5 0 TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
Prerequisite(s): MUS 121C and minimum one year of piano lessons (but preferably 5-10 years of piano lessons/experience) and audition/interview and consent of instructor.

Comment: MUS 231C is repeatable for a maximum of six credits. MUS 231C may not be audited.
DA 31662 MUS 231C 0 Applied Music, Western (Piano) 1 A E Lum 5 0 TBA TBA TBA 08/26-12/20
Prerequisite(s): MUS 121C and minimum one year of piano lessons (but preferably 5-10 years of piano lessons/experience) and audition/interview and consent of instructor.

Comment: MUS 231C is repeatable for a maximum of six credits. MUS 231C may not be audited.

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL= Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning
FW = Foundation Written Communication
Focus Requirements:
HAP= Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC= Oral Communication
WI= Writing Intensive
FY= Seats Reserved for First-Year Students
RI= Research Intensive

Special Designations:
ONLD = Fully Online Program IDAP = eBook Access OI = Off-Island EC = Early College
ONL5 = 5-Week Online Program TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0 OS = Off-Site SF = Sustainability Focused

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday F = Friday ONLINE ASYNC = Completely online, NO scheduled days/times
T = Tuesday S = Saturday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday U= Sunday
R = Thursday