University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

Kapi'olani Community College • Fall 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Interdisciplinary Studies (IS)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
TXT0 31120 IS 54 0 Introduction to College (ESOL) 1 M L Rollins 13 7 F 1000-1120a OLONA 105 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost $0
IS 54 (CRN 31120) is 1 of 3 courses collectively referred to as the IEP, an intensive English program for students with the F1 visa. CRNs for IEP in Fall 2024 are 31574, 31575, and 31120. Students will need to enroll in all three class sections.

Classes will meet in person during the scheduled class times, and if necessary, they will meet remotely. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet and must check their email account regularly for class notifications.
TXT0 31657 IS 54 0 Introduction to College (ESOL) 1 E K Wang 14 6 F 1000-1120a ILIAHI 105 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost $0
IS 54 (CRN 31657) is one of three courses collectively called the IEP, an intensive English program for students with an F1 visa. The CRNs for IEP in Fall 2024 are 31655, 31656, and 31657. Students must enroll in all three class sections.

Classes will meet in person during the scheduled class times, and if necessary, they will meet remotely. Students must have access to a computer and the Internet and must check their email account regularly for class notifications.
  32021 IS 104 0 Career Exploration 1 M A Crutchfield 11 14 W 0915-1030a ILIAHI 206 08/26-12/20
[Special Approval: Academic Advisor Approval]
  32098 IS 108 0 Foundation for College Success 3 L C Scanlan 12 13 F 0900-1200p ILIAHI 104 08/26-12/20
[Special Approval: Instructor Approval]
  31509 IS 108L 0 Foundation Coll. Success Lab 1 L C Scanlan 16 9 MW 0915-1030a ILIAHI 123A 08/26-12/20
This course is strictly for Lunalilo Scholars Program only. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
  31510 IS 108L 0 Foundation Coll. Success Lab 1 L C Scanlan 15 10 MW 1045-1200p ILIAHI 104 08/26-12/20
This course is strictly for Lunalilo Scholars Program only. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
  31511 IS 108L 0 Foundation Coll. Success Lab 1 L C Scanlan 10 15 TR 0915-1030a ILIAHI 08/26-12/20
This course is strictly for Lunalilo Scholars Program only. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
  31837 IS 108L 0 Foundation Coll. Success Lab 1 L C Scanlan 20 5 MW 0315-0430p MANONO 08/26-12/20
[Special Approval: Academic Advisor Approval]
  31855 IS 108L 0 Foundation Coll. Success Lab 1 L C Scanlan 10 15 T 0145-0415p MANELE 102 08/26-12/20
[Special Approval: Academic Advisor Approval]
  32020 IS 108L 0 Foundation Coll. Success Lab 1 L C Scanlan 10 15 R 1215-0245p MANELE 102 08/26-12/20
[Special Approval: Academic Advisor Approval]
  31833 IS 120 0 Exploration in Health Careers 1 L Halley 23 2 R 1045-1200p MANELE 102 08/26-12/20
[Special Approval: Academic Advisor Approval]
DA,SF,TXT0,WI 31039 IS 161 0 WI,S-Intro toCreative Thinking 3 C D Jennings 9 11 TR 0145-0300p OLONA 205 08/26-12/20
Textbook Cost: $0

Prerequisite(s): This IS 161 class section (CRN 31039) is Writing Intensive. Additional WI prerequisites are ENG 100 or ESL 100 with a grade of "C" or higher.

This IS 161 class section (CRN 31039) is Sustainability Focused (SF). Sustainability Focused (SF) indicates a primary focus on sustainability as a major theme of the course. Course content will be taught through the lens of sustainability. S-Focused class sections at the 100-level or above will count towards achievement of the Academic Subject Certificate Sustainability. For more information please visit

This IS 161 (CRN 31039) class section is held in-person. All class meetings are scheduled and location-based. A variety of technologies may be used to support the teaching and learning experiences. Contact the instructor ( for more information.

General Education Requirements:
FGA = Foundation GMP-A DA = Diversification-Arts DP = Diversification-Physical Science
FGB = Foundation GMP-B DB = Diversification-Biological Science DS = Diversification-Social Science
FGC = Foundation GMP-C DH = Diversification-Humanities DY = Diversification-Laboratory (science)
FQ = Foundation Quantitative Reasoning DL = Diversification-Literatures HSL= Hawaiian or Second Language
FS = Foundation Symbolic Reasoning
FW = Foundation Written Communication
Focus Requirements:
HAP= Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Issues
OC= Oral Communication
WI= Writing Intensive
FY= Seats Reserved for First-Year Students
RI= Research Intensive

Special Designations:
ONLD = Fully Online Program IDAP = eBook Access OI = Off-Island EC = Early College
ONL5 = 5-Week Online Program TXT0 = Textbook Cost $0 OS = Off-Site SF = Sustainability Focused

Class Meeting Days:
M = Monday F = Friday ONLINE ASYNC = Completely online, NO scheduled days/times
T = Tuesday S = Saturday TBA = To Be Announced/Arranged
W = Wednesday U= Sunday
R = Thursday