University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials
Kapi'olani Community College Fall 2024 Class Availability
Back to list of subjects Click on the CRN for additional class information.
GenEd/Focus/ Special Des. |
CRN | Course | Section | Title | Credits | Instructor | Curr. Enrolled |
Seats avail. |
Days | Time | Room | Dates |
31457 | HLTH 118 | 1 | Interpersonal Skills | 3 | T H Kawaguchi | 16 | 9 | W | 0100- |
KAUILA 210 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 118 may not be audited. HLTH 118 may not be taken credit/no credit. Students are required to participate in service learning. Effective Fall 2019, HLTH 118 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 118 class section (CRN 31457) is a HYBRID, conducted partially ONLINE on Laulima and partially at Kauila 210. To take an online class, you need regular access to a desktop or laptop computer and a reliable internet connection. |
IDAP | 31270 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 19 | 5 | F | 0800- |
KAUILA 114 | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31270) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at Weekly homework assignments are completed asynchronously and the weekly chapter quizzes are proctored in the classroom. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this class are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. |
IDAP | 31271 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 22 | 2 | F | 1100- |
KAUILA 114 | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31271) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at Weekly homework assignments are completed asynchronously and the weekly chapter quizzes are proctored in the classroom. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this class are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. |
IDAP | 31272 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 23 | 1 | F | 0900- |
KAUILA 114 | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31272) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at Weekly homework assignments are completed asynchronously and the weekly chapter quizzes are proctored in the classroom. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this class are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. |
IDAP | 31273 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 22 | 2 | F | 1000- |
KAUILA 114 | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31273) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at Weekly homework assignments are completed asynchronously and the weekly chapter quizzes are proctored in the classroom. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this class are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. |
IDAP | 31274 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 32 | 3 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31274) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31274) is conducted online. All assignments related to this course are conducted asynchronously. All quizzes and the final exam are conducted online and monitored via a computer proctoring program. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this course are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. Take this self-assessment quiz ( to help you decide if an online class is right for you. To take an online class, it is essential that you have access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed internet. Laptop computers may be available for rental from the campus library. |
IDAP | 31275 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 34 | 1 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31275) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31275) is conducted online. All assignments related to this course are conducted asynchronously. All quizzes and the final exam are conducted online and monitored via a computer proctoring program. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this course are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. Take this self-assessment quiz ( to help you decide if an online class is right for you. To take an online class, it is essential that you have access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed internet. Laptop computers may be available for rental from the campus library. |
IDAP | 31276 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 33 | 2 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31276) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31276) is conducted online. All assignments related to this course are conducted asynchronously. All quizzes and the final exam are conducted online and monitored via a computer proctoring program. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this course are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. Take this self-assessment quiz ( to help you decide if an online class is right for you. To take an online class, it is essential that you have access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed internet. Laptop computers may be available for rental from the campus library. |
IDAP | 31802 | HLTH 125 | 0 | Survey of Medical Terminology | 1 | G T Mohnkern | 30 | 5 | TBA | TBA | ONLINE ASYNC | 08/26-12/20 |
Comment: HLTH 125 has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31802) participates in the Kapi'olani Bookstore IDAP program to give students the least expensive access to the course material. An IDAP Charge will be added to your MyUH account, price to be determined. Instructions on how to access your digital course material are posted on Laulima by the first day of class. If you have any questions, please contact the Kapi'olani Bookstore or visit our FAQ page at This HLTH 125 class section (CRN 31802) is conducted online. All assignments related to this course are conducted asynchronously. All quizzes and the final exam are conducted online and monitored via a computer proctoring program. All course announcements and supplemental study materials designed to help you succeed in this course are posted on Laulima. Please check your email account regularly for class notifications. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information. Take this self-assessment quiz ( to help you decide if an online class is right for you. To take an online class, it is essential that you have access to a recent model desktop or laptop computer as well as access to high-speed internet. Laptop computers may be available for rental from the campus library. |
32002 | HLTH 208 | 0 | Soft Tissue Mobilization | 1 | B A Zazzera | 15 | 0 | M | 0800- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant program or consent of PTA Program Director; and a grade of “C” or higher in HLTH 290 and a grade of “C” or higher in HLTH 290L. Recommended Preparation: HLTH 125. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 208 may not be audited. HLTH 208 may not be taken credit/no credit. |
32015 | HLTH 208L | 0 | Soft Tissue Mobilization Lab | 1 | B A Zazzera | 15 | 0 | M | 0100- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant program or consent of PTA Program Director; and a grade of “C” or higher in HLTH 290 and a grade of “C” or higher in HLTH 290L. Recommended Preparation: HLTH 125. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 208L may not be audited. HLTH 208L may not be taken credit/no credit. |
32003 | HLTH 211 | 0 | Therapeutic Exercise | 1.5 | M T Dela Cruz | 14 | 0 | T | 0900- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant program or consent of PTA Program Director; and a grade of "C" or higher in HLTH 290 and a grade of "C" of higher in HLTH 290L. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 211 may not be audited. HLTH 211 may not be taken credit/no credit. |
32004 | HLTH 211L | 0 | Therapeutic Exercise Lab | 1.5 | M T Dela Cruz | 14 | 0 | R | 0800- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant program or consent of PTA Program Director; and a grade of "C" or higher in HLTH 290 and a grade of "C" of higher in HLTH 290L. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 211L may not be audited. HLTH 211L may not be taken credit/no credit. |
32005 | HLTH 212 | 0 | Transfer, Position, Mobility | 1 | M T Dela Cruz | 14 | 0 | W | 0800- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant program or consent of PTA Program Director. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 212 may not be audited. HLTH 212 may not be taken credit/no credit. |
32006 | HLTH 212L | 0 | Transfer and Mobility Lab | 1 | M T Dela Cruz | 14 | 0 | W | 0900- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Associate in Science degree in Physical Therapist Assistant program or consent of PTA Program Director. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 212L may not be audited. HLTH 212L may not be taken credit/no credit. |
31310 | HLTH 280 | 0 | Disease & Disability for Rehab | 3 | B A Zazzera | 15 | 5 | W | 0100- |
KAUILA 204 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): A grade of "C" or higher in BIOL 130 or a grade of "C" or higher in PHYL 141 or a grade or "C" or higher in ZOOL 141 or a grade of "C" or higher in an equivalent course or a grade of "C" or higher in a higher-level human anatomy and physiology course. Recommended Preparation: BIOL 130L or PHYL 141L or ZOOL 141L. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 280 may not be audited. HLTH 280 may not be taken credit/no credit. This HLTH 280 class section (CRN 31310) is a HYBRID class: some of the work for the class will be online, and there will be at least one in-person session and/or meeting. This class may include asynchronous online work and may require one or more synchronous online class sessions and/or meetings. One or more proctored exam(s) may be required. If required, proctored exams may take place online and/or face-to-face. Students may be offered the opportunity to use an optional online testing service for a fee. This class may require one or more hours of fieldwork per semester. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information and check your email account regularly for class notifications. To take a hybrid class, you need regular access to a desktop or laptop computer and a reliable internet connection. |
31311 | HLTH 290 | 0 | Kinesiology | 2 | B A Zazzera | 15 | 9 | T | 0930- |
KAUILA 204 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): A grade of "C" or higher in BIOL 130 or a grade of "C" or higher in PHYL 141 or a grade of "C" or higher in ZOOL 141 or a grade of "C" or higher in a higher-level human anatomy and physiology course. Corequisite(s): HLTH 290L. Recommended Preparation: PHYS 100 or PHYS 122. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 290 may not be audited. HLTH 290 may not be taken credit/no credit. This HLTH 290 class section (CRN 31311) is a HYBRID class: some of the work for the class will be online, and there will be at least one in-person session and/or meeting. This class may include asynchronous online work and may require one or more synchronous online class sessions and/or meetings. One or more proctored exam(s) may be required. If required, proctored exams may take place online and/or face-to-face. Students may be offered the opportunity to use an optional online testing service for a fee. This class may require one or more hours of fieldwork per semester. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information and check your email account regularly for class notifications. To take a hybrid class, you need regular access to a desktop or laptop computer and a reliable internet connection. |
31588 | HLTH 290L | 0 | Kinesiology Lab | 1 | B A Zazzera | 7 | 5 | F | 1100- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): A grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 130L or a grade of “C” or higher in PHYL 141L or a grade of “C” or higher in ZOOL 141L or a grade of “C” or higher in higher -level human anatomy and physiology laboratory course. Corequisite(s): HLTH 290. Recommended Preparation: PHYS 100L or PHYS 122L. Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 290L may not be audited. HLTH 290L may not be taken credit/no credit. Effective Fall 2019, HLTH 290L has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 290L class section (CRN 31588) is a HYBRID class: some of the work for the class will be online, and there will be at least one in-person session and/or meeting. This class may include asynchronous online work and may require one or more synchronous online class sessions and/or meetings. One or more proctored exam(s) may be required. If required, proctored exams may take place online and/or face-to-face. Students may be offered the opportunity to use an optional online testing service for a fee. This class may require one or more hours of fieldwork per semester. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information and check your email account regularly for class notifications. To take a hybrid class, you need regular access to a desktop or laptop computer and a reliable internet connection. |
31589 | HLTH 290L | 0 | Kinesiology Lab | 1 | B A Zazzera | 8 | 4 | F | 0800- |
KAUILA 202 | 08/26-12/20 | |
Prerequisite(s): A grade of “C” or higher in BIOL 130L or a grade of “C” or higher in PHYL 141L or a grade of “C” or higher in ZOOL 141L or a grade of “C” or higher in higher -level human anatomy and physiology laboratory course. Corequisite(s): HLTH 290. Recommended Preparation: PHYS 100L or PHYS 122L Comment: Letter grade only. HLTH 290L may not be audited. HLTH 290L may not be taken credit/no credit. The lab will be conducted in a hybrid format. Weekly lab meetings will occur. Effective Fall 2019, HLTH 290L has been approved for use as an elective for the Associate in Arts degree in Liberal Arts and the various AA Liberal Arts concentrations, as well as the Associate in Arts degree in Hawaiian Studies. This HLTH 290L class section (CRN 31589) is a HYBRID class: some of the work for the class will be online, and there will be at least one in-person session and/or meeting. This class may include asynchronous online work and may require one or more synchronous online class sessions and/or meetings. One or more proctored exam(s) may be required. If required, proctored exams may take place online and/or face-to-face. Students may be offered the opportunity to use an optional online testing service for a fee. This class may require one or more hours of fieldwork per semester. Email the instructor ( as needed for additional information and check your email account regularly for class notifications. To take a hybrid class, you need regular access to a desktop or laptop computer and a reliable internet connection. |