University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Hilo • Spring 2024 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Anthropology (ANTH)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
FGC,IDAP 14182 ANTH 150 001 Humankind Emerging 3 L A Morrison 20 5 TR 0930-1045a K 128 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
FGC,IDAP 14183 ANTH 150 002 Humankind Emerging 3 K L Kawelu 24 1 TR 1100-1215p K 128 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
FGB,IDAP 14184 ANTH 205 001 Cultural Anthropology 3 L M Wolforth 22 3 TR 1230-0145p K 128 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
FGB,IDAP 14200 ANTH 205 002 Cultural Anthropology 3 L M Wolforth 22 3 TBA TBA ONLINE 01/08-05/10
This is an online unscheduled course.
FGB,IDAP 14201 ANTH 205 003 Cultural Anthropology 3 L M Wolforth 25 0 TBA TBA ONLINE 01/08-05/10
This is an online unscheduled course.
DS,HPP 14185 ANTH 210 001 Archaeology 3 P R Mills 18 2 TR 0930-1045a K 109 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
  14186 ANTH 315 001 Ecological Anthropology 3 L A Morrison 14 6 TR 1230-0145p K 109 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
  14187 ANTH 331 001 Lang in Culture & Society 3 C A Reichl 16 4 MWF 1100-1150a K 126 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
TXT0 14653 ANTH 354 001 Filipino Culture 3 R C Jubilado 0 0 TBA TBA ONLINE 01/08-05/10
Cross-listed with FIL 354. Please register for CRN 14652. This is an online unscheduled course.
DS,GAHP,HPP 14190 ANTH 358 001 Japanese Immigrants 3 C A Reichl 17 3 MWF 0100-0150p K 126 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
WI 14188 ANTH 370 001 WI/Hist of Anth Theory 3 J H Genz 9 11 TR 1100-1215p K 108 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
HPP,WI 14189 ANTH 387 001 WI/Modern Hawn Cult 1819-Pres 3 K L Kawelu 20 0 TR 1230-0145p K 108 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
GCC,HPP 14192 ANTH 389 001 Cultural Resource Management 3 P R Mills 15 5 TR 0200-0315p K 126 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
GAHP,HPP,WI 14080 ANTH 435 001 WI/Indig Iss Contemporary Pac 3 K A Inglis 0 0 TR 0200-0315p W 9 01/08-05/10
Cross-listed with HIST 415. Please register for CRN 14079. This is a face to face course.
  14193 ANTH 445 001 Ethnographic Field Tech 3 C A Reichl 6 14 TR 0630-0745p K 126 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
  14194 ANTH 450 001 Physical Anth Lab 4 L A Morrison 10 2 W 1200-0330p K 277 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course.
ALEX 14195 ANTH 490 001 Internship in Archaeology 3-6 K L Kawelu 1 4 TBA TBA ONLINE 01/08-05/10
This is an online unscheduled course. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
ALEX 14196 ANTH 490 002 Internship in Archaeology 3-6 P R Mills 2 3 TBA TBA ONLINE 01/08-05/10
[Special Approval: Instructor Approval]
  14197 ANTH 602 001 Historic Preservation Laws 3 P R Mills 5 4 M 1230-0300p K 277 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
  14198 ANTH 612 001 Indigenous Museum Studies 3 L M Wolforth 5 4 M 0900-1130a K 277 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course. Special Approval: Instructor Approval
  14199 ANTH 631 001 Oral History Research 3 J H Genz 5 4 W 0830-1100a K 277 01/08-05/10
This is a face to face course. Special Approval: Instructor Approval