University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Hilo • Spring 2023 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Political Science (POLS)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
DS 11566 POLS 100 001 Intro to Political Science 3 E Wang 23 2 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
This is an online unscheduled course.
FGB 11616 POLS 251 001 Intro to Comparative Politics 3 E Wang 25 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
This is an online unscheduled course.
WI 11638 POLS 303 001 WI/Feminist Political Theory 3 K E Young 11 9 TR 0200-0315p UCB 330 01/09-05/12
[This is a face to face course.]
  11626 POLS 320 001 Mock Trial 3 E M Smith 9 16 R 0500-0730p UCB 330 01/09-05/12
This is a face to face course.
  11784 POLS 322 001 Criminal Justice 3 J Potterf 0 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Cross-listed with AJ 322. Please register for CRN 11651. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11789 POLS 323 001 Criminal Law and Procedure 3 L S Ashida 0 0 T 0500-0745p WWW 01/09-05/12
Cross-listed with AJ 323. Please register for CRN 11652. This is an online course scheduled at specific dates and times as listed.
  11704 POLS 324 001 Criminology 3 E T Meiser 0 0 TR 0930-1045a UCB 331 01/09-05/12
Cross-listed with and identical to SOC 324. Please register for CRN 11197 and do not register for CRN 11704. This is a Hybrid course
DS 11629 POLS 328 001 Rights 3 T C Hansen 14 11 M 0500-0730p UCB 330 01/09-05/12
This is a face to face course.
  11643 POLS 332 001 Politics Of Race & Gender 3 E M Smith 22 3 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
[This is an online unscheduled course.]
  11645 POLS 338 001 Public Policy Process 3 K E Young 23 2 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
[This is an online unscheduled course.]
DS 11621 POLS 346 001 International Organizations 3 S Lee 16 9 TR 1100-1215p UCB 330 01/09-05/12
This is a Hybrid course.
DS,GAHP,HPP 11618 POLS 351 001 Politics Of China Through Film 3 E Wang 17 8 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
This is an online unscheduled course.
DS 11647 POLS 360 001 Public Administration 3 K E Young 23 2 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
[This is an online unscheduled course.]
WI 11624 POLS 470S 001 WI/Seminar Political Science 3 S Lee 17 3 TR 1230-0145p UCB 330 01/09-05/12
This is a Hybrid course.