University of Hawaii Textbooks/Course Materials

University of Hawaii at Hilo • Spring 2023 Class Availability

(UH Transfer Information)

Nursing (NURS)

Special Des.
CRN Course Section Title Credits Instructor Curr.
Days Time Room Dates
  11056 NURS 203 01 General Pharmacology 3 J N Thompson 30 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
This is an online unscheduled course.
  11055 NURS 348 01 Human Pathophysiology 3 J N Thompson 29 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
This is an online unscheduled course.
  11021 NURS 351 01 Professnl Nsg Issues & Trends 3 M Wilkins 29 11 W 0800-1045a WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This class is a hybrid class. Class will meet at instructors directions.
  11107 NURS 351 02 Professnl Nsg Issues & Trends 3 M Wilkins 8 2 W 0800-1045a TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This class is a hybrid class. Class will meet at instructors directions.
  11022 NURS 355 01 Adult Health Care I 3 K Emmons 29 11 T 1000-1245p UCB 111 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at specified time and location.
  11109 NURS 355 02 Adult Health Care I 3 K Emmons 8 2 T 1000-1245p WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at specified time and location.
  11023 NURS 355L 01 Adult Hlt Care I Practicum 5 D L Ancheta 9 1 RF 0600-0200p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11024 NURS 355L 02 Adult Hlt Care I Practicum 5 G G Megargel 10 0 RF 0600-0200p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11025 NURS 355L 03 Adult Hlt Care I Practicum 5 D A Mendoza 10 0 RF 0600-0200p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11026 NURS 355L 04 Adult Hlt Care I Practicum 5 L E Akau 9 1 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11027 NURS 357 01 Mental Health Care 3 T E Thornett 29 11 T 0230-0515p UCB 111 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at specified time and location.
  11111 NURS 357 02 Mental Health Care 3 T E Thornett 8 2 T 0230-0515p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at specified time and location.
  11028 NURS 357L 01 Mental Hlt Care Practicum 3 K Yamaguchi 9 1 M 0600-0200p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11029 NURS 357L 02 Mental Hlt Care Practicum 3 G G Megargel 10 0 M 0600-0200p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11030 NURS 357L 03 Mental Hlt Care Practicum 3 J N Thompson 10 0 M 0600-0200p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11031 NURS 357L 04 Mental Hlt Care Practicum 3 J K Wagner 9 1 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11050 NURS 361 01 BSN Nursing Preview 3 D Van Hoose 4 36 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled class.
  11054 NURS 370 01 Transcultural Health Care 3 K F Daub 29 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
This is an online unscheduled course.
  11052 NURS 375 01 Applied Human Nutrition 3 P K Hensley 30 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
This is an online unscheduled course.
  11032 NURS 411 01 Community & Collaborative Hlt 3 D Van Hoose 29 1 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11033 NURS 411 02 Community & Collaborative Hlt 3 D Van Hoose 6 14 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
WI 11034 NURS 411L 01 WI/Community & Collab Prac 3 P K Hensley 10 0 RF 0800-0430p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
WI 11035 NURS 411L 02 WI/Community & Collab Prac 3 K F Daub 10 0 RF 0800-0430p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
WI 11036 NURS 411L 03 WI/Community & Collab Prac 3 M Wilkins 9 1 RF 0800-0430p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
WI 11037 NURS 411L 04 WI/Community & Collab Prac 3 K F Daub 7 3 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
ALEX,DS,GCC 11039 NURS 457 01 Ldrshp & Transition to Practic 3 J O Ayers-Kawakami 29 1 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
ALEX,DS,GCC 11040 NURS 457 02 Ldrshp & Transition to Practic 3 J O Ayers-Kawakami 6 14 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
WI 11041 NURS 457L 01 WI/Ldrshp & Tran to Prac Pract 2 S E Moran 9 1 T 0800-0400p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
WI 11042 NURS 457L 02 WI/Ldrshp & Tran to Prac Pract 2 G G Megargel 10 0 T 0800-0400p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
WI 11043 NURS 457L 03 WI/Ldrshp & Tran to Prac Pract 2 P K Hensley 10 0 T 0800-0400p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
WI 11044 NURS 457L 04 WI/Ldrshp & Tran to Prac Pract 2 P K Hensley 7 3 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11046 NURS 458 01 Nursing Review 3 S E Moran 29 1 W 1100-0100p TBA 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at specified time and location
  11047 NURS 458L 01 Nursing Review Practicum 2 J N Thompson 10 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11048 NURS 458L 02 Nursing Review Practicum 2 J N Thompson 9 1 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11049 NURS 458L 03 Nursing Review Practicum 2 J N Thompson 10 0 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11057 NURS 603 01 Adv Clinical Pharmacology 3 K Emmons 11 1 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11058 NURS 604 01 Advanced Clin Pathophysiology 3 K Emmons 7 5 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11059 NURS 605 01 Advanced Health Assessment 4 B L Elisala 11 1 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11060 NURS 608 01 Primary Care of Older Adults 3 M C Centeio 5 7 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11061 NURS 609L 01 Primary Care of Women Lab 2 M Wilkins 4 8 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11062 NURS 610L 01 Primary Care of Children Lab 2 K H Green 4 8 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. Class will meet at times and locations as instructed by the coordinator.
  11063 NURS 611 01 Advanced Research Methods 3 D Van Hoose 5 7 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11064 NURS 615 01 Health Policy: Local to Global 4 K F Daub 3 9 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.
  11065 NURS 617 01 Practice Inquiry/Project 6 J O Ayers-Kawakami 4 8 TBA TBA WWW 01/09-05/12
Class reserved for Graduate Nursing Majors that have been accepted in the program. This is an online unscheduled course.